Interview #13

“Not Only Are My Devices What They Are When They Were Given to Me, But Now They’re Like What I Want Them to Be”

Kyle Scar is an Asian American first-year student at Oxford College of Emory University. He was originally born in Germany, but has most recently lived in Newport, Massachusetts. He first had regular in-home access to a digital device of some sort at age 5, personally owned one at age 8, and is now able to code in Swift (Xcode) – a programming language. For this interview, Kyle chose to talk about the general family of Apple products (e.g. MacBook, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch).

Megan Yang is also an Asian American first-year student at Oxford College of Emory University. She was born in California, moved to Connecticut, and then lived in Shanghai, China for twelve years. At Emory, she hopes to study marketing and international business while double-majoring in psychology. Her goal for this interview is to understand the technological habits of someone in the same generation as herself in order to grasp a bigger picture understanding of “digital natives” and digital literacies.

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Interview #13